Today we went through a few sheets that would help us formulate our question.

I've given my focus question a bit more thought since yesterday, these are two choices:
-Discuss the roles that different countries play regarding the issue of climate change and rising sea levels (I like this focus question since it encompases both the roles of the larger countries somewhat in fault, and the smaller countries somewhat the victims of this issue)
-Discuss the effects that climate change and rising sea levels has on [low-lying] coastal regions

I still want to find a better phrase that would replace "climate change and rising sea levels". This is because of many reasons. If I just said "climate change" then that would also encompas pollution and other issues caused by our ever-developing society. Whereas, if I just said "rising sea levels", then that would be too narrow a question and would really only encompas the smaller victim countries with the potentials of flooding.

Today, I published my Weebly and started my process blog. I am still deciding on my focus question but I have a few thoughts/options:
-Discuss the effects of climate change [and rising sea levels] on nations throughout the world (I am unsure on this one since it isn't a 'question'. However, I have heaps of ideas about concepts to explore in it: how not just island nations are affected, large countries are too; why it is more important than past threats; etc.)
-How do rising sea levels affect island nations?
-How does climate change affect island nations?

I also have smaller fact-like questions that I may refer to for ideas:
-What is global warming and climate change?
-What is the greenhouse effect?
-What issues does global warming cause? Why is it an issue?
-What are the consequences of melting ice?
-Which countries will go under? How many?
-What is being done to prevent it?
-Can it be prevented? Why/Why not?
-How is climate change any different if it has varied so much in the past?
-Why must we act if we're not threatened? What roles do larger countries play in this?
-How quickly will it take for the islands to flood?

I'm also thinking of doing a survey, to find out about others' views on climate change and rising sea levels and the role they play in all of it.