I had a look at a Kiribati government website and found some really helpful information. I think it helped me get another perspective. It's got a lot of different areas to explore, such as the different ways climate change and rising sea levels are affecting it.
Taking on Ms Steer's suggestion, I've researched a few articles and websites about the effects of climate change and rising sea levels on various nations; the Maldives, Kiribati, Greenland and Gambia (specifically Banjul). They've helped get some more focus on my topic of "rising sea levels and melting ice" rather than just "climate change." I've found it really helpful and actually learned a surprising amount.
I just emailed George Evatt this lesson, and I also found a really interesting YouTube video called "Earth 100 Million Year From Now."

I put some of my own opinion into the "Effects and Consequences" page.

I hope to get my focus question formulated soon.
Last Thursday, we had George Evatt come to speak to us about oceans and marine life. He was really interesting and I was rather influenced by his talk. I'm glad I went. He had a lot of facts about the effect of Climate Change on the oceans and sea life too.

Some statisticfrom the presentation:
-Weight-wise, 97% of earth's life lives in the ocean
-The oceans harbour 99% of earth's life-sustaining environment
-An estimated 90% of ocean life is yet to be discovered

I hope to get his email, so I could have a chat with him on some more effects. This could be helpful for my GIP in providing a wider range of resources to use.
I went on a search for news articles today and found a couple on countries that have already disapperead in Africa because of rising sea levels. I also added some more information onto my "Prevention" sub-question page.

I'm a little stuck on how to link the Climate Change topic into rising sea levels. I'm thinking it would be good to link it in through the idea of consequences. But if I did that then I would probably have to do other consequences too. Maybe I could shift my topic area to the consequences of Climate Change?! In this, I could explore about three major effects that climate change has had, is having and will have on society.

After reading through the marking criteria, other ideas I'm planning on researching would be prespectives of individuals as well as groups.
I found a heap of information on World Book Online; it's really helpful. I'm going to research the effects/consequences of Climate Change and focus in on rising sea levels.

(Later) So, after researching the effects of climate change, I've come up with another new idea for my focus question of discussing the consequences climate change has on oceans. I still need to work out how to word the question though...
Today, I worked on a second sub-question based around prevention of climate change. Next lesson I'm hoping to start a sub-question that links to rising sea levels.

I have also thought of an interesting point I would like to include but I'm not too sure where I will place it yet:
The countries that are the major producers of carbon emissions, like the US and China are not exactly the ones most threatened by this issue. It is, in fact, the countries that produce some of the least carbon emissions that are being most affected. This is a rather controversial point.

I will be working on the research for the GIP for the next couple of weeks, both at home and in class. I also hope to have my big focus question before the holidays. :)
Ok, so.... I've given my topic a bit more thought and taking into account Miss Perrett's suggestion, I will do a little bit of research before I decide on my final question. I will base my research off the sub-questions that I put in Post 1.